Water Project: Bore wells & Hand Pumps

Water Project: Hand Pump, Bore well & Wa

Water Project: Bore wells & Hand Pumps

The best charity is to give water to drink(Prophet MohammadPBUH)
Close to half the country, about 600 million people face high to extreme water stress in India. According to Niti Aayog, 75% of households don’t have drinking water on their premises.

Our Motto is to complete water projects successfully in rural areas to provide drinking water at premises through digging, installing & constructing Bore Wells, Hand Pumps & Water Tanks across India without any discrimination and impacted 243350 people.
Donate following to provide drinking water to poor communities in rural and semi-rural areas

Valuable Donors:

  1. Hafiz Shabbir Mulla, South Africa
  2. Haji Ibrahim Mulla, South Africa
  3. Muhammad Waheed, South Africa
  4. Suleman Gangant, South Africa
  5. Maulana Irfan Sahab, UK