Solar Power Support

Solar Power Support

Importance of Power

Millions of children and worshippers around the Jamia Islamia Riyazul Uloom Anwa are having their days cut short due to a lack of electricity supply. Classes cannot run in the evenings, nor can health clinics function properly, due both having no access to electricity grids.

Solar lighting is an efficient and inexpensive solution for rural buildings that need to function in the dark. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, which can then be stored in batteries. If there are power outages in the grid, the batteries can be turned on to ensure no drop in lighting.

Depending on the need, Jamia Islamia Riyazul Uloom Anwa Welfare Trust installs solar panels for schools, masjids, clinics and rural homes.

A proper electricity supply allows madrassahs to run evening classes and masjids to hold Isha and Fajr prayers unimpeded. The stored electricity from the solar panels also allows them to have fans during summers and heaters during winters.

No home, masjid or classroom should be left in the dark. Donate to this unique project to provide the gift of light to our brothers and sisters around the Jamia Islamia Riyazul Uloom Anwa.

Valuable Donors:

  1. Hafiz Shabbir Mulla, South Africa
  2. Haji Ibrahim Mulla, South Africa
  3. Muhammad Waheed, South Africa
  4. Suleman Gangant, South Africa
  5. Maulana Irfan Sahab, UK