Fidyah & Kaffarah

Fidyah & Kaffarah

Assistance to Widows and Orphans

Jamia Islamia Riyazul Uloom Anwa Welfare Trust determines the prices of Fidyah and Kaffarah according to the prevailing price of wheat. Given the varying positions on what one Sa’ constitutes, the charity has determined a weight of 3kg as sufficient to fulfil the criteria set by all the major schools of jurisprudence.

Fidyah and Kaffarah (and Sadaqatul Fitr) are distributed to widows, orphans and the destitute.


This is the compensation for missing Ramadhan fasts due to one being terminally ill or has passed away (in which case it is given out of a third of their inheritance).

The compensation for each missed fast is to give a Fidyah (which is the same amount given for Sadaqah al-Fitr) to the poor.


This is a major compensation. If a person breaks a fast intentionally or breaks an oath, Kaffarah would then be binding as the form of redemption.

If a Ramadhan fast is broken intentionally, one would need to fast for sixty consecutive days – which is the Kaffarah – and then observe one qadha fast.

If more than one fast is broken intentionally, one will be required to compensate with one Kaffarah – by fasting sixty consecutive days – and a qadha fast for each extra fast broken.

If one cannot do these fasts due to poor health or old age then one must feed sixty poor persons.

For redemption of a broken oath, a person may feed ten poor persons.

Valuable Donors:

  1. Hafiz Shabbir Mulla, South Africa
  2. Haji Ibrahim Mulla, South Africa
  3. Muhammad Waheed, South Africa
  4. Suleman Gangant, South Africa
  5. Maulana Irfan Sahab, UK